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Graphic Design in Digital Marketing

Graphic Designing, the most pervasive art today, has given a new meaning to digital marketing. With minimal and simplified design basics, this tool had been adding contemporary flair to a company’s advertisement profile. Every company strives for a position higher than its competitors. Indeed, businesspersons can survive the struggle when marketers use something unique in their commercial scheme.
Among all other online marketing campaigns, graphics work wonders. The concept of using visual elements has always been a means mainly to appease the target audience. Today, graphic designing has climbed a step up as one of the most fundamental factors that have been affecting the success of a digital marketing campaign.
Until recent past, many entrepreneurs failed to understand the significance of Graphic Design. Now, there has been an immense interest amongst people. A new wave has been describing the convergence of digital marketing and graphic design. Today, these two industries have become inseparable. In this year and the years to come visual elements will provide immeasurable benefits to a digital marketer.
Let’s dive more into the concept of Graphic Designing and role of Graphic Design in Digital Marketing World.

What is graphic designing

Graphic designing is art with the purpose that involves a creative and systematic plan to solve a problem or achieve specific objectives.
It is a unique process of visual communication through images, symbols or even words. Graphic elements, hence, enhance the aesthetic expression of concepts and ideas. Efficient Graphic design highlight plans to discover what makes an image genuinely stand out and get shared.

Graphic designing as the best instrument for digital marketing

Digital marketing is based on the delivery of visuals and informative contents. Graphic design turns a company’s ideas into realistic revelations. This way an enterprise communicates with its target clients effectively. In today’s fast-paced world, where consumers have a short attention span, a clear stellar visual accompanied with brief content is the only way of gaining attention.
Therefore, exclusive graphic elements play an increasingly important role in captivating people’s mind. Visual language communicates a company’s personality to its potential clients. A design does so much more, it evokes emotion and makes you noticeable amidst vast competitors. Visual communication invokes direct customer action and initiates them to contact a company in instantly.

How visual illustrations create an impact on digital marketers?

• Influence potential customers in Social Media
Due to the fast growth of social media and dependency on the internet, prospective clients get exposed to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin on the Web and on their mobile devices. Graphic Design Tools 2018 are anticipated to create the best and the most in-demand graphics – infographics, social media cover photos or trendy header images.
Undoubtedly, quality design gets the desired results. With extensive demands from the consumers and the mushrooming of numerous companies in the same domain, creativity with intuitive and efficient designs can push an organization to a whole new level. Fascinating images create a connection between an organization and its target audience and help you build on that relationship. They encourage discussion and initiates more shares.
Visuals that are attractive and informative finds significant foray into ensuring optimal reach and engagement between a brand and the target audience.
With graphic design, an organization can take the chance of transmitting the idea to a potential customer without much struggle. Customers can figure out what or how a product/service would suit them and why they should invest. A popular website puts forth, “Creativity helps to think more efficiently and Graphic Designers make this successful.”

A means of attracting traffic to website

Perfect designs of graphics and promote your website by driving traffic to your site. A website can receive more and more traffic while you keep it alive and update it with creative and innovative designs. It is needless to say that search engine rankings of your website will undoubtedly improve further.
A graphic artist’s design skills combined with practical business sense act as a magnetic force to impress clients. A designer creates beautiful, eye-catching design works that are sure to impress viewers and further initiate countless traffic. Once a client comes across an organization’s impressive advertisements they are sure to stick around and inquire about the product also.

What graphic design will contribute in Digital Marketing

Keeping the usual Graphic elements intact, this year there will be several new inspirational designing inputs.
Following are the trends to watch for:
  • Responsive logos: With an increase in mobile browsing, logos would rule the market. It is the idea of creating logos that would feature similarly on a website and mobile device.
  • Color transition: This effect would dominate the market today. With the advent of flat designs and gradients, there will be increased use of the  “color transitions.” Color Transition refers to the modern application of vibrant, smooth and fitting designs within flat artful conception aesthetics.
  • Semi-flat design: Designers started reintroducing shadows. These shadows are large colored and add subtle depth and dimension, unlike “drop-shadow” predecessors.
  • Typography would rule graphics: Typography in 2018 will be bigger and bolder.  This year designers will opt for artistic effects, huge headlines and extra-large font sizes.  Hence there will be more typeface variety in the current year.
  • Custom graphic art and illustration: The demand for custom visual art and drawings will emerge this new year.  Personalized imagery has always played a significant role in print media. This year custom graphic would rule the digital marketing industry.

The works must be conceived with fire in the soul but executed with clinical coolness. Joan Miró

At Embiba We creates every job from our soul and try to give unique work to every client. We are versetile and creates everything from Logo design to social media posts but do only one thing Design / Art. We understand it Better


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Embiba Creations
Pune, India